网友Lemon_无爱在2015-01-31 10:53说:恭喜恭喜阿~
网友Aries丶萌在2015-01-31 10:41说:恭喜恭喜 都怀孕了你还让嫂子干活,打你 ———————————————————— That no energy in the universe is created,none is destroyed. That means that every bit of energy inside us,every particle,will go on to be a part of something else,maybe live as a dragonfish,a microbe,maybe burn in a supernova 10 bilion years from now. And every part of us now, was once a part of some other thing,a moon,a storm cloud,a mammoth. A monkey. Thousands and thousands of other beautiful things,that were just as terrified to die as we are. We gave them new life,a good one,I hope. 你看不懂?其实我也不懂,不要在意这些细节,这只是个小尾巴。 --来自华为荣耀3C移动4G坑爹版
2015-01-31 12:30,网友Aries丶萌 回复 小巧卤肉卷饼 :胡扯,上回我去买饼带走那个还是嫂子给我做的